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Meet the Members


Meet the Members

Meet The Members of the Senate Majority

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Julie Raque Adams

Julie Raque Adams

Senator Julie Raque Adams

Where are you from: born and raised in Louisville, KY.

Family you’d like to mention: husband, Jim, two sons, James and Joseph.  We have a dog named Birdie and a cat named Miss America and she is a real beauty queen.

Issues most important to you: Children, families, reducing taxes and economic development.

Single most important piece of legislation you sponsored: Sen. Adams championed comprehensive child welfare legislation, SB 8 in 2022 and was the primary sponsor of Senate Bill 48 (2019) prohibiting child marriages. She also sponsored Tim’s Law regarding court-ordered outpatient mental health treatment. 

Personal interests: Tennis, golf and pickleball, none of which I am very good at but all that I really like playing. 


Amanda Mays Bledsoe

Amanda Mays Bledsoe

Meet the Senator from Lexington - Amanda Mays Bledsoe

Where are you from: Lexington, Ky

Family you’d like to mention: Husband Todd, son Mays & daughter Annabeth

Issues most important to you: economic development, tax reform and budgeting, kids and families, public safety

Personal interests: hiking, running, golf, horses, soccer, travel

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Gary Boswell

Gary Boswell

Meet the Senator from Owensboro - Gary Boswell

Where are you from: I am a lifelong resident of Daviess County.

Family you would like to mention: I have been married to my wife, Meg for nearly 50 years. We have 6 children, 3 sons and 3 daughters, including twin sons whom we adopted from Ukraine in 2002, and 14 grandchildren.

Issues most important to you: I am strongly pro-life, so therefore abolishing the practice of abortion is a top priority for me. Also, gun rights , taxes, reduced state taxes, constraints on new or increased taxes.

Personal interests: Active member of Heritage Baptist Church,  I enjoy hunting, fishing, and sports.

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Jared Carpenter

Jared Carpenter

Meet The Senator From Berea - Jarred Carpenter

Where are you from: Berea

Family Members: Two children – Cole and Cate

Issues most important to you: Financial matters, infrastructure, small businesses, and education

Personal interests: Spending time with children, fishing, farming, and real estate. Additionally, I enjoy being an active member of the Whittaker Bank Advisory Board in Madison County

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Danny Carroll

Danny Carroll

Meet the Senator from Benton - Danny Carroll

Where are you From: Benton, KY

Family: Wife, Teressa and two children, Seth and Maggie.

Issues most important to you: Special needs children, early childhood education and Public safety and support of law enforcement and first responders.

Single most important/significant piece of legislation you sponsored/championed: “Conner’s Law,” which brought stiffer penalties for those who abuse children and the abuse leads to the child’s death, the “Leeper Act,” which lifted the nuclear moratorium in Kentucky, the “911 Bill,” which increased funding to 911 centers throughout the state by imposing a 911 fee on prepaid cell phones, the “Anti Bullying Bill,” which set standards for schools to follow in responding to incidents of bullying.

Personal Interests: Time with children and operating a child care center.

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Matt Deenen

Matt Deenen

Meet the Senator from Elizabethtown - Matt Deneen

Where are you from: Elizabethtown, KY

Issues most important to you: education and the ecomic development. I spent my entire career as an educator and small business owner so these are issues that are very important to me.

Personal interests I enjoy spending my downtime with my family.

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Donald Douglas

Donald Douglas

Meet the Senator from Nicholasville - Dr. Donald Douglas

Where from: Maceo, Kentucky

Family: I am the 14th of 16 children. I am the son of John and Louisa Douglas.

Issues most important to you: Finding ways to reduce medication out of pocket cost here in Kentucky. Improving our education system and identifying legislation that we can pass that will create the best business environment for Kentucky companies.

Single most important/significant piece of legislation you sponsored/championed: SJR-99

Personal Interests: fishing, hiking, jogging and landscape care.


Greg Elkins

Greg Elkins

Where are you from:  I live in Winchester, Kentucky.

Family: I am married to my wife of 38 years, Kim Elkins.  We have two sons Matt Elkins (Destini) of Georgetown, Kentucky and John Elkins (Ivy) of Winchester, Kentucky and two grandsons.

Issues most important to you: Energy policy, I want to shift from an energy policy dictated by a federal government agenda, to a policy that has a primary concern of meeting the needs of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.  Here at home, we need an energy policy that will employ the use of coal, natural gas, nuclear, solar and wind, an "all of the above" approach.    Also, I am interested in reducing the size of government, by returning control to our local governments, where possible, we can in turn reduce the size of our State Government. 

Personal interests: I love family!  I am an avid outdoorsman, I love to hunt and fish with my two sons and now my grandsons.  We spend a lot of time in the woods or on the water enjoying God's creation.  I enjoy spending time with my wife, such as camping or going places and doing things we didn't have time to do when we were younger.  

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Shelley Funke Frommeyer

Shelley Funke Frommeyer

Meet the Senator from Alexandria - Shelly Funke Frommeyer

Where are you from: Grew up as the 6th child of 12, across the Licking River on the family farm in Demossville, KY, but have lived in Alexandria, KY for the past 16 years. 

Family: Husband Rich, daughters Grace and Mekenzie; sons Josh, Jordan, Jacob Elbert and Jacob Frommeyer; along with their respective spouses and five grandchildren. 

Issues most important to you: Economic Development and tourism spurred on by a holistic health revolution. I would like to see the passage of  Medical Marijuana legislation so it may be used a holistic health tool. 

Personal Interests: Golfing, hiking, paddle boarding, biking, kayaking and gardening. My desire is to grow at least 50 percent of the produce my family consumes!

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Rick Girdler

Rick Girdler

Meet the Senator From Somerset - Rick Girdler

Where are you from: Somerset, KY

Family: Married with three children and nine wonderful grandchildren, including two sets of twins

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David Givens

David Givens

Meet the Senate President Pro Tempore from Greensburg - David Givens

Where are you from: A lifelong Kentuckian, I was born in Pulaski County and grew up in Green County.

Family you’d like to mention: My wife, Laurie, works for the Administrative Office of the Courts. We have a blended family of 5 children. Hannah Givens coaches volleyball in Virginia, Kathleen Dudgeon is a University of Kentucky law school student, Matthew Givens works as a regional director for the Sigma Phi Epsilon national fraternity, Tate Dudgeon is a college student at William and Mary, and Michael Givens is a student at Georgetown University in Washington DC.

Issues most important to you: Education policy which represents 60 percent of our general fund budget, economic development in our Commonwealth and fiscal policy hold the greatest interest for me.

Single most important/significant piece of legislation you sponsored/championed: I prefer to highlight significant, positive policy changes in which I played some role during my time in the General Assembly rather than a single bill. Since I joined the legislature in 2009, we have paid down our pension liability significantly, written budgets that have resulted in the largest rainy day fund in Kentucky’s history, lowered state income taxes from 6% to 4% and possibly lower upon full implementation, funded education at the highest level in our history, raised the rate of pay for teachers and state workers dramatically, increased college graduation rates at a pace on path to our goal of 60 percent of our citizens with postsecondary credentials by 2030 and passed economic development legislation resulting in record growth in our Commonwealth.

Personal interests: I enjoy my family and our farm in rural Green County. I engage in lots of small building projects and enjoy reading and bicycling. My wife and I have been renovating a home near the Frankfort Capitol, and I have enjoyed working alongside her on many such projects.

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Jimmy Higdon

Jimmy Higdon

Meet the Senator from Lebanon - Jimmy Higdon

Where are you from: Lebanon, KY

Family: Wife, Jane, two children, three grandchildren and a granddog. 

Issues most important to you: Maintaining the safety and quality of Kentucky’s infrastructure, supporting our rich bourbon industry and preparing a strong workforce prepared to fill job opportunities. 

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Jason Howell

Jason Howell

 Meet the Senator from Murray - Jason Howell

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Chris McDaniel

Chris McDaniel

Meet the Senator from Taylor Mill - Chris McDanial

Where are you from: Taylor Mill, KY

Family you’d like to mention: Wife, Renee and 6 children.

Issues most important to you:  Foster and Adoptive Issues and Financial Responsibility.

Single most important/significant piece of legislation you sponsored/championed: State police pay raises and legislative pension transparency.

Personal interests: Coaching little league sports, chasing kids, making maple syrup, raising beef cattle.


Scott Madon

Scott Madon

Where are you from: Pineville, KY

Family: I have been married 40 years to my wife Elizabeth. We have 2 children, Ashley and Ben. I have 4 beautiful grandchildren

Issues: Economic Development, Coal Natural Resources, Education and Infrastructure

Personal interest: Hunting, Fishing and spending time with my family

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Steve Meredith

Steve Meredith

Meet the Senator from Leitchfield - Steve Meredith

Where from - Born in Louisville, but my family moved to Grayson County, where both my parents were raised, when I was eight years old. Except for my years in college, I have lived there ever since.

Family you’d like to mention - Proud father of two sons, the oldest is an attorney who clerked for two federal judges, and serve as our Commonwealth’s first Solicitor General before going into private practice, and the youngest is a physician Board certified in both Family Medicine and Sports Medicine and currently practices in Leitchfield, KY. Between the two, they have blessed my wife, Karen, with 7 grandchildren. Karen and I have been married for 42 years and she taught  second grade at Clarkson Elementary School for 32 years before retiring even though she continues to substitute teach on a frequent basis.

Issues most important to you - Having served as a CEO of a small, rural hospital for 30 years, access to quality, affordable healthcare for my constituents is of paramount importance to me; not only as a quality of life issue, but also as an economic engine for rural communities. 

My passion is advocating for fair and equitable treatment of our rural communities and addressing the rampant poverty in rural Kentucky. Tackling poverty starts with access to healthcare and quality education and workforce development. Without them, our rural communities will continue to flounder economically and some will, unfortunately even perish. 

Single most important/significant piece of legislation you sponsored/championed - I am proud to have been involved in championing legislation of which our commonwealth’s economy is now reaping the benefits - Right to work, elimination of prevailing wage, tackling the pension crisis, eliminating bureaucracy and reducing income tax. Of less importance, but legislation just as impactful on a day to day basis, I am proud to have sponsored legislation to eliminate deductibles for Medicaid recipients which benefits not only the recipients but the healthcare providers charged with providing their care. I am also proud to have sponsored and passed legislation to allow pharmacies to provide 90 day supply of maintenance drugs for constituents rather than requiring monthly trips to the drugstore which placed a tremendous burden upon of senior and home bound citizens.

Personal interests - I have been a runner for most of my entire adult life and it continues to  be a rewarding way for me personally to maintain my health and a great stress reducer. But, at this point in my life, my main focus of my personal interests is my seven grandchildren of which my wife and I have been blessed.


Robby Mills

Robby Mills

Meet Kentucky’s Senate Majority Caucus Chair - Robby Mills

Where are you from: I am a lifelong resident of Henderson, Ky

Family you’d like to mention: My wife Vickie, my three children Noah, Caleb, Chelsea and our granddaughter, Halle Ruth.

Issues most important to you: Pro-life issues, economic development, and passing legislation that helps give our rural communities the tools they need to thrive.

Single most important/significant piece of legislation you sponsored/championed: Senate Bill 2, Kentucky’s voter ID law

Personal interests Traveling and spending time with my family.

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Michael Nemes

Michael Nemes

Meet the Senator from Shepherdsville - Mike Nemes

Where are you from: Bullitt County and South Jefferson County. 

Family you’d like to mention: Married with 4 children and 6 grandchildren. 

Issues most important to you: Construction has started on expanding the Medical Center, at the I 65 Brooks Exit, into a hospital as it was intended.  The widening of Highway 44 is long overdue. We have actual money in the budget to start this. Previously it had been in the Road Plan without actual money to do the work. A much needed turning lane at Bullitt East High School is included. Plans are also in the works to fix the I 265 – Bardstown Road interchange. 

Single most important/significant piece of legislation you sponsored/championed 

  • SB 27: This bill allows part-time adjunct fire instructors to train firefighters without negatively affecting their pension. 

  • SB 209: This bill allows KSP R Troopers, who are retired officers returning to duty to fill the shortage of officers, to receive normal benefits. 


Matt Nunn

Matt Nunn

Meet the Senator from Sadieville - Matt Nunn

Where are you from: I was born in Cincinnati and spent my early years there before moving "back home" to Bell County when I was a teen so my mother could care for my dying grandfather. I've been in Central Kentucky since 2001, specifically Scott County since 2007. While my family and I are blessed to call Scott County home now, that decade in the mountains made such an impact on me that it is where my mind instantly goes when I think of home.

Family you’d like to mention: My wife, Ashley, and I were married in 2005 after a 33-day courtship. Whenever anyone meets her they understand why I wanted to marry her so quickly but they wonder what she was thinking! Other than accepting Christ as my Savior, marrying her is the best thing I've ever done and it completely changed the trajectory of my life. We have two children, Emma and Easton. Emma is, without question, the best human being I've ever known - her heart and thoughtfulness are unmatched. Easton makes me smile unlike anyone and he does something to make me proud every day - I can't wait to see the man he grows up to be. My mom, Vanessa, raised me as a single mother - she worked incredibly hard and sacrificed much to ensure I had everything I needed, a lot of what I wanted, and was instilled with good values and a strong work ethic which is why she's my hero.

Issues most important to you: I'm serving in the General Assembly because I want to ensure my district and the rest of our Commonwealth is a great place to raise a family and pursue the American Dream as I have. So any issue related to the economy, public safety, or education is quick to get my attention.  

Personal interests: I'm a sports fanatic, particularly baseball and football. As my wife can attest, my mood ebbs and flows with the successes and failure of the Reds, Bengals, and the Ohio State Buckeyes - even though I've lived in KY for the last 31 years, I still love the Buckeyes which shows I am loyal! I enjoy coaching my son's baseball team and I like to play vintage base ball with the Georgetown Gentlemen when I can find the time - I play first base (without a glove) and my nickname is Cornbread.


Steve Rawlings

Steve Rawlings

Where are you from: I have lived in Boone County over 26 years, in Union and in Burlington, and before that lived in Campbell County.

Family: My wife was born and raised in Lincoln County. We have two daughters, one who resides in Petersburg with her husband and our granddaughter, and our younger daughter who lives and works in The Netherlands. 

Issues: The issues most significant to me are related to faith, family, and freedom. I advocate for religious liberty, parental rights, states' rights and our constitutional rights of life, liberty, and property. Education is an important priority, as I believe that parents should be provided with options in the education of their children, and there should be excellence in all educational settings in Kentucky, including public, private, and homeschool. My Senate district borders the CVG Northern Kentucky airport, so there are many priorities in Northern Kentucky regarding roads, growth, and economic development.

Personal Interests: I have had the opportunity to visit 45 states and at least 20 countries. We enjoy travelling to Europe to visit our daughter who lives in walking distance of the center of the Dutch government. I enjoy any type of building trade including carpentry and masonry and take every opportunity to do outdoor work such as timbering and cutting firewood. I have worked with the design team at the Creation Museum in Petersburg, and contributed to exhibits. I have experience in building three homes, one of which is a tiny house on wheels. I am privileged to serve on several boards, including the Judicial Committee of the Board of Directors of USA Shooting, our U.S. Olympic team.

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Craig Richardson

Craig Richardson

Where are you from: I am from Hopkinsville KY

Family you’d like to mention: My wife Katie, (oncology Pharmacist) and daughter Collins

Issues most important to you: The issues most important to me are better healthcare outcomes for the commonwealth and creating an economic environment for growth and prosperity for all Kentuckians

Personal interests: UK athletics, fishing, golf, and spending time outdoors with my family. 

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Aaron Reed

Aaron Reed

Where are you from: Shelbyville, Kentucky

Family you’d like to mention: My wife, Sarah Reed, Son(S) Keaton Reed, Daughter(D) Savannah Reed, (D) Maddi Reed, (S) Gus Reed, (S) Bridger Reed, and (S) Bo Reed.

Issues most important to you: Protecting Kentucky’s families, strengthening our agricultural economy, preserving individual freedoms, supporting veterans, and ensuring fiscal responsibility in government.

Personal interests: Hunting, fishing, mentoring youth in outdoor activities, and advocating for programs that support veterans and first responders. 

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Brandon Smith

Brandon Smith

Meet the Senator from Hazard - Brandon Smith

Where are you from: I was born and raised in Hazard 

Family you’d like to mention: My wife Laurel and my six children Forrest, Houston, Creston, Grey, Kipling, and Claude Rousseau

Issues most important to you: Natural resources and energy policy, rebuilding eastern Kentucky in the aftermath of the flood, and bringing long-term economic development to eastern Kentucky.

Single most important/significant piece of legislation you sponsored/championed: the Adventure Tourism Bill, which makes it easier for private landowners to willingly lease large tracts of land to government agencies for the purpose of adventure tourism, such as ATV and horseback riding trails, mountain climbing and hiking, by relieving certain liability issues.  This legislation opened the door for many exciting opportunities, including the Kentucky Mountain Regional Recreational Authority, which I Co-Chair with my good friend, Rep Chris Fugate. Additionally, two other major legislative achievements were Senate Bill 6, which prohibits abortions after the 20th gestational week, as well as Senate Bill 150, which enables permit-less concealed carry.

 Personal interests: I am an avid outdoorsman but what I enjoy the most in my downtime is spending time with my family.

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Robert Stivers

Robert Stivers

Meet Kentucky’s Senate President From Manchester - Robert Stivers

Where are you from: Manchester, KY

Family: Wife Regina Crawford Stivers and between the two of them, has seven children and 10 grandchildren.  

Issues most important to you: Education, economic development, job creation, and substance use disorder. all of them are interconnected and significantly impact the Commonwealth's overall health.

The single most important/significant piece of legislation you sponsored/championed:

I have done a lot for the coal industry and to help those who have been affected by black lung disease. I also take great pride in the Markey Cancer Center, UK’s research facility, a partnership with the National Institutes of Health; this research addresses diabetes, heart disease, and cancer and attracts top-tier research talent and big checks to the Commonwealth. The KY Research Center has continued to build nationally significant research programs that have produced high-impact studies, recruited renowned scientific leaders and spurred impressive economic growth. We've allocated $265 million (half of the funding from the state of Kentucky) to go toward this research. 

I'm also particularly proud of what we were able to achieve with the West End partnership as well as improving the roads in Eastern Kentucky which has helped develop the area’s businesses. 

Personal interests: When we are not in session, I enjoy spending time with my family and close friends in southeastern Kentucky. 

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Brandon Storm

Brandon Storm

Meet the Senator from London - Brandon Storm

Where are you from: London

Family: Wife, Jaclyn; twin daughters Carly and Anna, and son, Wes

Issues most important to you: Upholding the Constitutional Rights and Liberties of Residents of the Commonwealth

Most Valued Legislation you have sponsored: 22 RS Senate Bill 30 (Organ Donor Bill)

Personal Interests: Volunteering in my community; spending time with family and friends; attending church; and playing golf

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Lindsey Tichenor

Lindsey Tichenor

Lindsey Tichenor

Lindsey Tichenor

Meet the Senator from Winchester

Where are you from?: Grew up in LaGrange, KY on our family farm.

Where do you currently reside?: Smithfield, KY in Oldham County.

Family members: Husband- Bowin, Son and Daughter in law- Jasper and Emily, Daughter- Greta, Son and future daughter in law- Gus and Brooke, Daughter- Scarlett

Issues that are important: – Limiting government overreach, protecting individual liberty and upholding our constitutional rights. Strengthening protections for children, encouraging strong families, and improving literacy and numeracy skills in K12 education.

Personal interests: – Spending time with family, Bible study with dear friends, and furthering grassroots political involvement with the Liberty Ladies Republican Club.

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Steve West

Steve West

Meet the Senator from Paris - Steve West

Where are you from: Millersburg, in Bourbon County

Family you’d like to mention: wife, Cindy and my three kids, McKayla, Caleb and Eli. 

Issues most important to you: Education and keeping the budget in check.  Reducing taxes and getting control of executive branch power.

Single most important/significant piece of legislation you sponsored/championed: SB2 in 2021 Administrative Regulation Reform and SB9 in 2022 on early literacy, which Kentucky is woefully behind on. 

Personal interests: Cattle farming, fishing, the outdoors, and traveling. And I must admit I am a shameless UK fan. 


Phillip Wheeler

Phillip Wheeler

Meet the Senator from Pikeville - Phillip Wheeler

Where are you from: Pikeville, KY

Family: My wife Crystal, and our son, Weston.

Issues most important to you: Judicial and economic development issues

Single most important/significant piece of legislation you sponsored/championed: Senate Bill 75; this would have allowed a local government the authority to pass an ordinance allowing for the operation of ATV’s on a roadways under local government jurisdiction.

Personal interests: When we are not in session, I enjoy spending time with my family.

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Gex Williams

Gex Williams

Meet the senator from Verona - Gex Williams

Where are you from: Verona, KY

Family: I married my wife, Judy, 47 years ago. We have lived on our Verona farm for almost 40 years where besides horses, dogs and cats, we raised our six children, David, Mark, Daniel, Sarah, E Gex and Betsy. At last count, we have 14 grandchildren who regularly visit for “cousin camp.”

Issues most important to you: Government transparency.

Single most important/significant piece of legislation you sponsored/championed: Defeated high-stakes testing.

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Mike Wilson

Mike Wilson

Meet The Senate Majority Whip From Bowling Green - Mike Wilson

Where are you from: Born in Mississippi, but I now live in Bowling Green, KY

Family: Wife, Cammie + 6 children between the two of us

Issues most important to you: Education, Economic Development, Religious Liberty, Veterans Issues, Supporting Law Enforcement

Legislation: 2017 Senate Bill 1: Education Reform

Personal Interests: Travel, Farming, Hunting


Max Wise

Max Wise

Meet Kentucky’s SENATE Majority Floor Leader From Taylor - Max Wise

Where are you from: Campbellsville, KY

Family you’d like to mention: I have a wonderful wife, Dr. Heather Wise, and our four amazing children, Grayson, Jackson, Carter and McLean. My mother, Donna Wise, is the only athlete in Kentucky who holds four different Hall of Fame distinctions. She is a member of the Kentucky Athletic Hall of Fame, the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics Womens’ Basketball Hall of Fame, Eastern Kentucky University Athletic Hall of Fame and the Campbellsville University Athletic Hall of Fame. Mom has been an athlete her whole life and has coached for 32 years. I’m incredibly grateful for her and the example she set for me and my kids.

Issues most important to you: Education and the economy.  Without a quality education as a foundation, you simply can’t grow your economy. 

Single most important/significant piece of legislation you sponsored/championed: Every piece of legislation I’ve passed has been significant to me, my constituents, and Kentucky.

Personal interests: I love college football and basketball, and really enjoy watching my children compete in their athletic activities, alongside my wife. I can also hang with the best karaoke singers out there!


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