Senate Bill 46 approved by legislative committee

FRANKFORT, KY (January 24, 2024) — Senator Greg Elkins, R-Winchester, presented Senate Bill 46 (SB 46) to the Senate Transportation Committee on Wednesday. It was approved unanimously.

The bill would allow tinting material to be applied to windshields as long the light transmittance is not less than 70 percent. The measure follows a constituent of Elkins’ with over two decades of law enforcement experience bringing the issue to his attention and his subsequent review of relevant Ohio, North Dakota and Hawaii statutes allowing windshields to be tinted. While Kentucky drivers will notice side view and back windows and the top portion of windshields are often tinted, current state law does not permit the entirety of a windshield to be tinted. If approved, SB 46 would make Kentucky the fourth state to allow it.

Benefits of the bill include the ability for drivers to reduce up to 99 percent of the sun’s infrared and UV radiation and reduce the glare and temperature in their vehicle.

“I would bet most drivers on our roadways can relate to being almost blinded by some of these new LED headlights on vehicles. I know people who have to spend long hours in vehicles for work who sometimes get sunburned by the sunlight coming through their windshield,” Elkins said, explaining his reasons for the bill.

SB 46 would prohibit the use of red or yellow tint. It follows federal motor vehicle safety standards.

“I think SB 46 would provide some reasonable relief drivers that they can’t legally have at this time,” Elkins added. “I think state and local governments are laboratories for our republic, so instead of recreating the wheel, I looked at policies that work elsewhere to see if we can apply them here in Kentucky. This bill is one such example.”

With a unanimous and bipartisan vote of 10-0, SB 46 now qualifies for a vote by the full Senate chamber. If approved, it would be the first bill Elkins has carried to passage as senator for the 28th Senate District.

Hear Elkins’ presentation of SB 46 HERE via his Facebook page. Visit Legislature.ky.gov to learn more about Elkins and to find other legislation being considered by the Kentucky General Assembly.



Senator Greg Elkins, R-Winchester, represents the 28th Senate District, including Bath, Clark, Menifee, and Montgomery Counties and an eastern portion of Fayette County. Elkins is a member of the Interim Joint Committees on Local Government, State Government, Families and Children, and Health Services. He is a liaison member of the Budget Review Subcommittee on Human Services. Elkins is also an Administrative Regulation Review Subcommittee member.