Spencer County Fiscal Court to receive funds via line-item grant in the 2024 state budget
FRANKFORT, Ky (June 10, 2024)—Sen. Jimmy Higdon, R-Lebanon, and House colleague Rep. James Tipton, R-Taylorsville, proudly celebrate a $10.05 million grant for the Spencer County Fiscal Court secured during the 2024 Regular Session.
The Kentucky Infrastructure Authority (KIA) will administer these funds, as noted in their grant notification letter dated June 5. This grant, awarded as part of House Bill (HB) 1, supports the substantial improvement and revitalization of the existing wastewater treatment facility. The project will enhance sanitation infrastructure in Spencer County over the next two decades, aligning with forward-thinking, efficient wastewater management principles.
Initially managed by the City of Taylorsville, the wastewater improvement plan has transitioned to the Spencer County Fiscal Court to ensure local governance and comprehensive county-wide provisions. This grant will significantly contribute to upgrading the wastewater treatment infrastructure, supporting the community's long-term sustainability and growth.
HB 1 included this grant and other critical infrastructure improvements throughout the 14th Senate District, reflecting Higdon's and Tipton's commitment to fostering strong and growing infrastructure within their constituencies.
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Sen. Jimmy Higdon, R-Lebanon, represents the 14th Senate District, including Larue, Marion, Nelson, Spencer, and Washington Counties. Higdon serves as Senate Transportation Committee chair. Higdon is also the Public Pension Oversight Board co-chair. He serves as an Education; Licensing and Occupations and Veterans, Military Affairs, and Public Protection committee member. He is a member of the 2024 Kentucky Housing Task Force.
Visit https://legislature.ky.gov/Legislators%20Full%20Res%20Images/senate114.jpg for a high-resolution .jpeg of Higdon.