FRANKFORT, Ky (July 9, 2024)—The following is a statement from Sen. Stephen Meredith, R-Leitchfield, concerning state Auditor of Public Accounts Allison Ball's efforts to execute the operations of the new Ombudsman's Office and the Beshear administration's excuse-laden refusal to comply with the law.

 "I commend Auditor Allison Ball for her diligent efforts to uphold the law and advocate for transparency and accountability within our state government. Her demand for restoring full access to the iTWIST database is critical to ensure that Kentucky's most vulnerable populations receive the services they deserve.
"Ball's unwavering commitment to her duty starkly contrasts with the current actions of the Governor's administration, which has been admittedly negligent in its responsibilities to execute laws enacted by the legislature, some of which the Governor himself supported and signed into law. Unfortunately, the administration refuses to work with the legislature in good faith, twisting the law to avoid its constitutional obligations. 

"Senate Bill 48 (SB 48), which I proudly sponsored during the 2023 Legislative Session, was the legislative result of efforts dating back to the 2022 Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS) Organizational Structure, Operations, and Administration Task Force. Countless stakeholders and task force members dedicated months to identifying ways to improve the operations of CHFS, our state's largest executive branch cabinet.

"One of the bill's provisions was moving the Ombudsman's Office from CHFS to the newly created Commonwealth Office of the Ombudsman. The bill's clear intent was for the office to have access to the iTWIST database. This common-sense reform ends the practice of the cabinet investigating itself. The language of this bill is clear and undeniable. It's worth noting that CHFS did not testify in opposition to the bill. The Governor chose not to veto the legislation. Additionally, CHFS did not contact me to discuss any concerns about transferring this database to this new office during the 2024 Legislative Session.

"We are witnessing an executive branch refusing its constitutional duty to execute the law, but worse, it is directly impeding another constitutional office's ability to perform its functions. The Governor's refusal to restore access to essential data systems undermines the ombudsman's work and threatens the well-being of Kentuckians.

"I strongly support Ball and Ombudsman Jonathan Grate's efforts to regain access to the iTWIST system. Their dedication to transparency and accountability is crucial for ensuring that the services provided by the Cabinet for Health and Family Services are delivered fairly and effectively. The Beshear administration must rectify this situation—and numerous others—and allow the Ombudsman's Office to fulfill its role without further hindrance.

"I urge the Governor to reverse course. Kentucky deserves an executive branch that is committed to executing the law and works to ensure government operations remain transparent and accountable."


Find a news release from Auditor Allison Ball's office and a full letter of demand from Auditor Ball to CHFS by CLICKING HERE.

The Ombudsman's Office conducts systemic investigations of CHFS concerning employees and public service programs. iTWIST is a database containing information that ensures Kentucky's most vulnerable populations receive the government services they need.

The relevant provision of 2023's
SB 48 reads as follows:

Section 102. All programmatic staff, personnel, records, files, equipment, resources, funding, and administrative functions of the Office of the Ombudsman and Administrative review shall be transferred to the Commonwealth Office of the Ombudsman as it relates to the duties and responsibilities prescribed in Section 86 of this Act and all programmatic staff, resources, funding, and administrative functions of the Office of the Ombudsman and Administrative review shall be transferred to the Office of the Attorney General as it relates to the duties and responsibilities prescribed in Section 90 of this Act on July 1, 2024. (Pgs. 80-81)

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Sen. Stephen Meredith, R-Leitchfield, represents the 5th Senate District, encompassing Breckinridge, Butler, Grayson, Ohio, and Meade Counties. He serves as the chair of the Senate Health Services Committee and the Government Contract Review Committee. Additionally, Meredith is a member of the Senate Standing Committees on Education; Families and Children; and Veterans, Military Affairs and Public Protection.  

For a high-resolution .jpeg of Meredith, please visit:

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